How much does a business app cost?

Factors to consider

quanto costa un'app

Over the past few years, the development of business applications has become increasingly widespread. We are surrounded by smart devices, and it’s clear that incorporating new technologies and digitizing is essential to stay ahead of the competition.

For this reason, many people wonder about the cost of creating a business app.

In a previous article, we explained why it’s not easy to provide an exact answer to the question ‘How much does a website cost‘. The same applies to estimating the cost of an app, as certain factors need to be considered first.

Firstly, as with corporate websites, it’s crucial to understand the company’s needs and type. The more features and customizations you require, the higher the app development cost will be.

Secondly, when developing an app for your business, you need to decide which devices it should be available on and for which operating system. Developing an app for Android and iOS isn’t the same, and the price will vary if you want the app to be compatible with multiple operating systems.

Features and implementations for applications are endless. For instance, you might need a multilingual app with geolocation, push notifications, or an administration panel.

For these reasons, it’s challenging to provide even a ballpark figure, as the range is vast and could vary from €5,000 to over €50,000, depending on the specific requirements.

Creating an app isn’t just the work of a developer: it’s essential to rely on a team of qualified professionals with multidisciplinary experience to produce a high-quality product that must be approved by Apple and Google.

Technologies our team uses: Apple XCodeAndroid StudioMicrosoft XamarinUnityAdobe XDSwiftObjective-CC#JavaSQLUMLMvvmCross Framework for Xamarin, V.I.P. Architectural Pattern for iOS native projects, MVVM Architectural Pattern for CrossPlatform and Android native projects.

Our turnkey apps:

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